mardi 16 décembre 2014

Biscuits de Noël

Pour les biscuits de Noël, j'ai utilisé la même base que pour les biscuits de Halloween.
Ceux sont des sablés que j'ai également utilisé pour faire des boules de Noël, avec des photos imprimées à l'encre comestible.

Le tutorial pour les sablés ainsi que la recette se trouve ici.

Et vous trouverez également quelques explications sur les sablés de Noël Ici avec la vidéo.

En faisant un trou dans les biscuits avant de les cuire, vous pourrez les mettre sur votre sapin de Noël.

samedi 6 décembre 2014

Recipe for Chouquettes

This is the recipe that you would use to make profiteroles or éclairs.

  • 250 ml of water
  • 150 gr of flour
  • 100 gr of butter
  • 1/2 spoon of baking powder. 
  • 1/2 spoon of salt
  • 3 eggs
  • Vanilla flavouring

Put the water and the butter to boil

Once it's boiling, take off the pan off the heat and add the flour, the salt and the baking powder.

Mix well all the ingredients, add the sugar and mix again.

Add the first egg and mix until all absorbed

Do as with the first egg, mixing the second egg until absorbed. 

Put the third egg and mix well.

It's ready to put on the tray. I used a silicone sheet but you can use baking paper. 

Put in a blag sleeve.

Place little quantities not too close together and then add the sugar.

Put in the preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes at 190°C and let cool down 10 minutes in the oven turned off to avoid them deflating.

samedi 29 novembre 2014

Christmas spheres

Here you will find the tutorial and the recipe for the dough.


Before baking the biscuits, remember to make a hole. Allow them to cool down and choose the color of sugar paste that you want. Cut it using the same cutter you used for the dough.

Use gelatin or eatable glue and put the 2 pieces together.   

Take the picture that was previously printed on sugar past with eatable ink.

Cut it to the right size and use decorations of your choice. I used silver sugar pearls.

Use a thin string to attach the star to the top of the sphere.

Put the other side of the sphere to close it and add another string to hang it on your Christmas tree.

It's ready. They are easy to make and they make a nice gift. If you check out the pictures on top of the page you will see what i used to hang them

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Surprise Christmas cake in cake

I hope you will like this cake the way we did.
This cake goes on to show that with one recipe, you have many options.

Here is the link to the very easy recipe:
You will need yo make 2 of them.

In the first one add green food coloring.

When it's baked and cooled, using a tree shape cutter, cut enough trees to go all the way in the mold.

Use a bit of the second cake, put it at the bottom of the mold and add the trees one after the other. 

Once you've put all the trees, add the rest of the dough. 

 Bake at 180°C for 30 minutes.

mardi 25 novembre 2014

Apple pie

There is nothing new in this recipe. what I mean by that is that i used the usual ingredients to make it, with 2 apples.the usual ingredients are the custard cream and the dough.

Here is the tutorial on how to make it:

This tutorial shows you how to make mini fruit pies and that is why I consider the dough and the custard cream part of the
usual ingredients.
You can make many recipes with them and really they are fast and easy to make.

You can not tell, I am sorry for not taking a picture but I've put the custard cream
before putting the slices of apples.
To have the slices flexible enough to decorate the middle of th pie, I put 4 slices of Apple to boil for 4 to 5 minutes.

Put in in the oven for 180°C for 25 minutes.

Sprinkle some icing sugar once the pie is cold.

dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Chocolate custard cream

This is a fast and easy recipe that you can not go wrong with.
You need for it:

  • 500 ml of milk
  • 50 gr of dark chocolate 
  • 3 egg yolks 
  • 90 gr of sugar
  • 20 gr of corn flour
  • 30 gr of flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
Put the milk to boil and add the chocolate.
Mix the sugar and the butter with it is whitened, add the flours and the salt.
Add it to the milk making it "melt".
Keep on storing on a medium heat until it starts to boil.
Put it in a boil, then cover it with cling film and put it in the fridge.

jeudi 20 novembre 2014

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Don't forget to suscribe to our page on
Also see our tutorials on and by suscribing to our channel you will see new recipes each weeks.

samedi 15 novembre 2014


Si vous venez de la page des Tupps, vous pouvez retrouver les recettes sur car je ne pourrais plus les poster.
J'ai partager mes recettes sur la page pendant des semaines et lorsque j'ai pose une question, je n'ai plus eu accès à la page. Je voulais simplement savoir comment me procurer des Tupps mais Mme Ruckebusch n'a pas apprécié.
Quoi qu'il en soit j'espère vous retrouver bientôt pour encore plus de recettes.


I guess you could see the crêpes like very thin pancakes but in reality they are not.

This french recipe is easy and the result is delicious. This is the sweet version but you could make a salty version by using ham and melted cheese for example.

You need for this recipe:

  • 300 gr of flour
  • 3 table spoon of sugar
  • 3 table spoon of vegetable oil
  • 50 gr of melted butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 300 to 350 ml of milk
Mix the flour with the eggs, the sugar, the oil, the butter mix slightly and add the milk.
Then you can increase the speed.
The consistency should be quiet liquid but not water like.

Heat up a pan for the crêpes if you have one, otherwise a large pan. Grease it slightly and poor some of the mix in it.
After a few seconds, unstick the border and after a couple of minutes, when the crêpe has a nice color, flip it over and let it cook for a couple of minutes.

You should have a total of 10 to 15 of them.
You can spread on them whatever you like: jam, chocolate, sugar...

Christmas cake

This time around I used again the yogurt 
cake as a base that I then decorated with sugar past and food coloring. 

I double the dose for each cake, I made 2 of them.
The ingredients for 1 yogurt cake is:
  • 1 yogurt
  • 3 flour
  • 2 sugar
  • 1/2 vegetable oil
  • 16 gr of baking powder
  • 2 eggs

Christmas Cake pops

For these delicious cake pops I don't have a precise recipe because I used some left overs from a previous recipe.

I used a brioche but a cake is just as good.
I then added some custard cream but a ganache will do too.
What matters is ti get the right consistancy by not leaving the mix too dry or too wet.

I modeled the different shapes, sticking together separated pieces with melted chocolat.
Once that is done, put everything in the freezer for 30 to 60 minutes.

Do the decorating using sugar paste and different shapes and color of sugar.

M&M's Rainbow Cake Piñata

For most of the cake that I decorate, I don't use the chiffon cake, neither the sponge cake, I use a yogurt cake because I find that it stays moist and kids always love it.

For this recipe I tripled the doses of a normal yogurt cake, that I then divided in 6.
The pot of the yogurt will be used for measurements.
So for this recipe you will need:

For the custard cream:


For the butter cream:

  • 660 gr of icing sugar
  • 240 gr of butter

For the cakes

  • 3 flavored or not yogurts
  • 9 flour
  • If the yogurt is sweetened, 5 sugar
  • If the yogurt is unsweetened, 6 sugar
  • 16 gr of baking powder
  • 1 and 1/2 of vegetable oil
  • 6 eggs
Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix for 3 to 4 minutes.
Divide it in 6 equal parts and put powder or gel food coloring: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and brown (to match the colors of the M&M's).

Bake each cake at 180C for 15 minutes.

Once all the cakes are baked and that they have colled down, start building up the cake with the brown one. Put the custard cream on it but not in the middle.

With a glass, cut a hole on the blue, green and yello cake. Pile them up putting cream between each layer.
Fill up the 3 layers, to the top, with M&M's.

Put the last 2 layers putting cream between the orange and the red.

Cover the cake with the butter cream and leave it to set in the fridge.

Divide the remaining butter cream in 6 and colour it with the same colors as the cake.

Use a plastic bag and pipe each color around the cake.

Decorate the top of the cake with the M&M's starting from the red and going all the way to the center with the different colors, respecting the layout of the cake.

It is now ready!


Hi! As you noticed, I put my recipes in 3 different languages but if something is not clear, you need further information or you would like a recipe that I didn't publish in your language, then don't hesitate to ask me, I would be happy to help.

If you check in my YouTube channel, check out the playlist and you will find the recipes organized by in each languages.
Don't forget to subscribe as I publish new recipes several times a week.

French cookies, Sablés

I use this base for a lot of recipies including bases for pies, biscuits to decorate for Halloween or for Christmas.

I also used this recipe to make the Fairy Tale House that I then covered with sugar paste, getting it ti stick together with some melted chocolat.

The ingredients are
  • 250 gr of flour
  • 100 gr of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 125 gr of butter
  • vanilla flavouring
Start by mixing the egg, the sugar, the vanilla and the salt for a few minutes.
Add it to the flour and by rubbing your hands together, or by using the back of a spoon, try to get a sand like consistancy. 

Add the butter and mix it all well by hand. Roll it into a ball and cover it in cling film.
Put it in the fridge for 30 to 60 minutes.

Crème au beurre

Cette recette est très simple et idéale pour couvrir les gâteaux avant de les couvrir avec de la pâte à sucre.

330 gr de sucre glace
120 gr de beurre

Mettre les 2 ingrédients dans un robot mixeur et monter le tout en mélangeant environ 5 mn.

Custard cream

You need for this recipe:

500 ml of milk
100 gr of sugar
50 gr of flour
2 egg yolks
Vanilla flavoring

 Mix well the egg yolks and the sugar. You can do it with a whisk or a blender, for about 3 to 4 minutes. Add the vanilla and the flour and mix again. If you find it too thick, add half a glass of milk taken from the 500 ml.

Warm up the milk for about 3 minutes at a medium heat and then add the egg, sugar and flour mix to it. Stir until it starts boiling. When it starts boiling, take it off the heat.

Put it in a container and then in the fridge. By the time the cream cools down, it will be way thicker.

In english

In Italiano

En Francais

Cake Pops pour Noël

lundi 10 novembre 2014

Torta arcobaleno Piñata (Rainbow cake)

3 torte allo yogurt messe insieme

3 yogurt

9 di farina

6 di zucchero

1 et mezzo di olio

6 uova

1 busta di lievito

aroma di vaniglia

Crema pasticceria

500 ml de lait

2 tuorli

100 gr di zucchero

50 gr di farina

aroma di vaniglia

mardi 4 novembre 2014

Gâteau Giraffe

4 oeufs, les jaunes séparés des blancs.

2 blancs d'oeufs

150 gr de sucre

100 gr de farine

2 cuillères à soupe de cacao amer

1 pincée de sel

1ère cuisson 2 minutes à 180°C, 2 ème cuisson 8 minutes à 180°C.

dimanche 2 novembre 2014

Recette De Crêpes

300 gr de farine
3 cs de sucre
3 cs d'huile 
50 gr de beurre fondu
3 œufs 
300 - 350 ml de lait

vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Torta di mele

Crema pasticcera:

500 ml di latte
50 gr di farina
100 gr di zucchero
2 tuorli
aroma di vaniglia

100 gr di zucchero
250 gr di farina
100 gr di burro
1 uovo
aroma di vaniglia
1 pizzico di sale

mercredi 22 octobre 2014

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Dans la playlist les vidéos sont divisées par langues.
Si vous desirez voir le tutorial d'une recette, n'hésitez pas à demander.

Cupcakes Halloween

mardi 21 octobre 2014

Crema pasticceria

Crème pâtissière

Difficulté : basse
Préparation : 10 minutes
Cuisson : 10 minutes
Coût: bas


  • 500 ml de lait
  • 50 gr de farine
  • 100 gr de sucre
  • Arôme de vanille
  • 2 jaunes d'oeufs
Faire blanchir les jaunes d'oeufs avec le sucre. Ajouter la farine et bien mélanger. 
Ajouter un peu de lait avec de rendre le mélange un peu plus homogène. 
Faire chauffer le lait pendant 3 - 4 minutes à feu doux et lorsqu'il est tiède, ajouter le mélange oeufs, farine, sucre et la vanille. 
Mélanger au fouet jusqu'à ébullition puis mettre dans un bol et couvrir de film alimentaire. 
Mettre au frais pour faire refroidir. 

lundi 20 octobre 2014


Cookies (en français)

Difficulté: basse
Préparation: 15 minutes
Cuisson: 10:minutes
Coût: bas


  • 1 oeuf
  • 125 gr de beurre
  • 150 gr de farine
  • 3 cs de sucre
  • 3 cs de sucre de canne
  • 1 sachet de sucre vanillé
  • 1 sachet de levure chimique
  • 1 pincé de sel
  • 125 gr de pépites de chocolat
Faire fondre le beurre et hors du feu ajouter tous les sucres: de semoule, vanillé et de canne. Y ajouter l' oeuf battu puis la farine petit à petit avec la levure. 
Ajouter le sel puis le pépites de chocolat et tout mélanger. 
Faire des petits tas avec la pâte, pas trop prêts les uns des autres, et les mettre sur du papier sulfurisé ou une plaque beurré. 

Faire cuire au four à 180°C pendant 10 minutes.